PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Get Ready for GASB 101: Watch, Listen and Learn

January 17, 2025

With Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 101 now replacing GASB 16 as the standard for how government entities treat compensated absences on financial statements, there’s a lot to unpack to understand what you must do differently. Our specialists share tips for implementing the new GASB 101 in three powerful resources, including the most recent School Business Insider podcast.

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Listen to the Podcast: Navigating GASB 101—Compensated Absences Simplified, hosted by School Business Insider, Partners Melissa Szot and Jeffrey Shaver discuss how GASB 101 impacts public school districts.

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Watch our Webinar: How to Effectively Implement GASB 101 — Compensated Absences, where our Partners break down the latest guidance and provide the tools needed for effective implementation.

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Read our Article: Understanding the GASB Update for Compensated Absences, outlining what’s new and when to recognize a liability.

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